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Will there be a major genocide?

The preliminary prognosis in the Dutch parliamentary elections is that the far-right party PVV will achieve a major victory with 37 seats out of 150. My explanation for this significant shift to the right is that Westerners are preparing for a global-scale genocide out of a survival instinct.

Fear of the future

The economy is stagnating, and the brain is pessimistic about recovery. Recovery means increased production and consumption, creating a catch-22 situation. This production and consumption accelerate climate change. The Pentagon predicts that these changes could lead to a global catastrophe, causing millions of deaths in wars and natural disasters. Europe’s major cities could be submerged, and there may be a Siberian climate. Large continents will become uninhabitable: drowned, transformed into hot deserts, or too cold for life. The Pentagon foresees anarchy and wars on a global scale, with asylum seekers everywhere.

Additionally, we will need more means of survival, such as oil, other raw materials, water, and agricultural land. However, these resources are becoming scarcer. The World Wildlife Fund states that if we continue to consume at the current rate, we will need to colonize two new planets within fifty years. Raw materials are expected to run out by 2050. Therefore, pursuing economic recovery is akin to suicide.

Newly emerging powers like China, India, and Brazil are becoming richer and consuming more. Their citizens are shifting from eating primarily rice to consuming more meat, which is more harmful to the environment and requires more agricultural land. They are transitioning from bicycles to cars. Additionally, as education improves in these countries, jobs are relocating there. Increasingly, intellectuals, such as scientists, are moving to China rather than to Western countries. Consequently, the West is losing its ability to develop.

Westerners fear that robots, 3D printers, and artificial intelligence pose a threat to jobs. Even with an economic recovery, employment opportunities are likely to become scarce.

Loss of power

Predictions indicate that China and India will soon surpass Europe and the US in gross domestic product, granting them more power and a better chance of securing survival resources. China is extensively infiltrating Africa and buying up farmland on a massive scale.

The West is losing power due to developments in international law, which is evolving from the law of the jungle into the rule of law; it is becoming fairer and leveling power. Karen Alter highlights this in her book ‘The New Terrain of International Law’. During the Cold War, there were only six international courts, issuing a mere 373 binding judgments between 1945 and 1989. Since then, the number of courts has increased to 24, issuing over 37,000 binding judgments. This increase in power equality means less power for the West to secure survival resources. Consequently, there is growing negative sentiment in the West against the UN, international law, and international courts.

Technology is becoming cheaper, more accessible, and more destructive, empowering individuals in the Third World. These people will no longer tolerate the West imposing tyrants on them and depriving them of their means of survival. As a result, they are likely to carry out terrorist attacks more frequently.

Final Solution

The unconscious Western brain, having absorbed this information from the media, has devised a solution: genocide on a global scale. This would reduce consumption, environmental pollution, and competition for survival resources, thereby slowing climate change.

For instance, oil – the most crucial resource for our survival – is predominantly located in Islamic countries. This leads to the notion of exterminating Muslims first. The conscious brain fabricates false narratives to justify genocide, portraying Muslims as dangerous, as jihadists intent on conquering the world, Islamizing, or destroying the West.

The brain also concocts social Darwinist excuses: the superior West, it argues, has more rights than the inferior Third World. The superior group is seen as entitled to use the inferior as disposable objects for their own purposes. This is why 52% of Trump supporters view blacks as “less educated.” It’s also why populists speak of ‘our superior culture’ and Wilders refers to Islam as barbaric. Populists often use dehumanizing language, as it is one of the prerequisites for accepting genocide.

However, the genocide in the Third World leads to resistance and protest in the West. Migrants are becoming more vocal and gaining political power. As a result, some radicalize and carry out attacks.

Additionally, the white Westerner must share survival resources with migrants. If the global economy collapses and transport costs soar, all food must be produced locally. However, there may not be enough land to feed everyone. Consequently, the unconscious brain generates excuses to either exterminate local migrants or encourage them to leave, as Wilders advocates.

This is why populists are gaining popularity: they sow fear and hatred to justify the impending genocide. Populists promise us lebensraum.


Published inPhilosophyPolitics

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